Starch, Sweetener, and Sugar Polyol Tech Provider
About Us
Hebei Luckey Energy Conservation Technology Co., Ltd, established in 2003, is an engineering consulting company specializing in the design and supply of starch, sugar, sweetener equipment, and plants. Business scope covers the food, agriculture, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.

G-Luckey Corn starch processing technology

G-Luckey Modified Starch processing technology

G-Luckey Glucose/Dextrose processing technology

G-Luckey Maltodextrin processing technology

G-Luckey Erythritol production process

G-Luckey Dextrose monohydrate processing technology

G-Luckey Dextrose Anhydrous processing technology

G-Luckey Crystalline Fructose processing technology

G-Luckey High Fructose Corn Syrup processing technology

G-Luckey Lysine processing technology

G-Luckey Ethanol processing technology

G-Luckey Citric Acid processing technology

G-Luckey Sorbitol processing technology

G-Luckey designed Crystallizer machine

G-Luckey designed Vacuum Evaporation Crystallizer machine

G-Luckey designed Fluid Bed Drying Unit machine

G-Luckey designed MVR Evaporator machine

G-Luckey designed Pre-coated vacuum drum filter machine

G-Luckey designed Chromatography Separation Unit machine